Thursday, May 1, 2014

Food Nerd: Unicorn Barf


Step 1: Ingredients

For this recipe I used:
2 cups of marshmallows
2 1/2 cups of cereal marshmallows
1/4 cup butter for the treats, plus extra for greasing everything
You will also need a sharp knife, a sauce pan, a spatula and a baking tray or glass tray.
This recipe made 15 small pieces of unicorn barf but of course you can make more or less depending on how much you want, just keep the ingredients proportional.

Step 2: Melt down your marshmallows

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Before you do anything else, butter up everything you are going to use for this recipe. This will keep it from getting as sticky from the melted marshmallows. Butter up your baking sheet or glass tray beforehand. Don't skimp on the butter. Butter your hands if you want to use them for mixing. Trust me, you'll thank me later!
Melt the 1/4 cup of butter in the sauce pan over low heat, and add the two cups of regular marshmallows and stir constantly until the marshmallows are completely melted. I found this goes faster if you chop up your marshmallows before you add them to the butter. Keep stirring until the marshmallows are completely dissolved and combined with the butter and have a smooth consistency.

Step 3: Add cereal marshmallows

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This step you have to move fast.
When your plain marshmallows and butter are combined and have a smooth texture, take them off the heat and add your cereal marshmallows. Stir them together quickly with your spatula until the cereal marshmallows are evenly coated, but not too much that the melted marshmallows start to dissolve your cereal marshmallows! It's an art. When the cereal marshmallows are thoroughly coated, spread the mixture onto your buttered baking tray or glass tray in a roughly rectangular shape about an inch thick. It will probably stick together fairly well. The shape doesn't matter too much since you are going to cut it up later, but it's helpful if it has relatively even thickness.

Step 4: Put it in the fridge and wait!

This is the hardest part. Put it in the fridge and wait for about 20 minutes. This is the perfect time to wash out the pan before the marshmallow starts to solidify in it. I found that using very hot water is the best way to get the sticky marshmallow goo out of the pan.

Step 5: Cut, serve, and enjoy!

Printable Recipe Here: Unicorn Barf via

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